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Saturday 11 August 2012

International Youth Day, 12 August 2012: ProPakistanis

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for the International Youth Day English
International Youth Day 2012 Google+Hangouts!
Join us in celebrating International Youth Day 2012 “Building a Better World: Partnering with Youth’ by watching and contributing to our series of six Google+ Hangouts taking place on 8,9 and 10 August 2012! 
As a means to celebrating International Youth Day 2012, which officially falls on Sunday 12 August, UN DESA will hold a series of six Google +Hangouts leading up to the Day on 8, 9 and 10th August on themes related to the priority areas of the Secretary-General’s Five-year Action Agenda and the development of a UN System Wide Action Plan on Youth, namely:
Employment; Entrepreneurship; Education, including on sexual and reproductive health; Political Inclusion; Citizenship; and Protection of rights.
To learn more about the themes, check out the interviews we conducted for International Youth Day with UN experts on how to better partner with and for youth in these areas – click  here
For more information on the Secretary-General’s Five Year Agenda, why not read the July edition of Youth Flash.
As contributions continue to come in for our Survey on the development of a System Wide Action Plan on Youth we are holding a series of discussions on the thematic areas guiding the development of the Plan. These Hangouts will not only draw attention to the issues at hand, but will also delve into the many ways the United Nations and civil society can partner with and for young people.
Using the interactive forum of Google+Hangout each Hangout will host 5-6 participants ranging from United Nations experts, Member States, the private sector, academia and of course young people themselves. Watch this space as we update you in the coming days about who our participants will be!
8 August
11:00, EST
8 August
14:00, EST
9 August
11:00, EST
9 August
14:00, EST
10 August
11:00, EST
10 August
14:00, EST


Get involved, have your say!

Follow the Hangouts!
You can follow the Google+Hangouts here and contribute your questions to our panellists via Twitter and Facebook:
Twitter – @un4youth  #IYD2012
Celebrate the Day
We also want to know what you’re planning on doing to celebrate International Youth Day! Tell us about your efforts to partner with and for youth for a better world! We want to hear from you about how you think the United Nations should partner with young people, especially in the areas of employment, entrepreneurship, political inclusion, citizenship and protection of rights, and education, including on sexual and reproductive health. Do you have a successful partnership that you want to tell us about, or a concrete recommendation you would like to share?
Email us your success stories and recommendations to: 
Contribute to the Survey
Finally, why not contribute to our Survey on the development of a System Wide Action Plan on Youth Survey now available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.
For even more tips and information on how to celebrate International Youth Day, read the ‘background’ section to the right of this page.
Get involved, have your say, partner with and for youth!
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